Jan. 14, 2025

The Gifts of Aging: Clarity, Freedom, and Resilience

Show Notes:


Aging is not something to fear; it's a privilege to embrace. This podcast delves into the beauty of midlife and beyond, encouraging listeners to celebrate the gifts that come with aging, such as wisdom, clarity, and resilience. Host Valerie shares practical steps to help you own your age with pride, challenging societal myths that suggest aging means losing relevance or beauty. With a touch of sass, she invites you to reflect on your journey, celebrate your achievements, and surround yourself with positivity. Join Valerie as she inspires you to shine brightly in this new chapter of life, reminding you that every wrinkle and gray hair tells a beautiful story worth celebrating.


00:23 - Embracing Aging

02:36 - Unraveling Myths About Aging

03:14 - The Myths of Aging

06:37 - Embracing the Gifts of Aging

08:50 - Embracing Confidence in Aging

Key Takeaways:

  • Aging is not a flaw, but rather a privilege that should be embraced wholeheartedly.
  • Societal myths about aging can hold us back; it's important to challenge these beliefs.
  • Every wrinkle and gray hair tells a story and represents resilience gained through life experiences.
  • Clarity comes with age, allowing us to recognize what truly matters in our lives.
  • Taking care of our physical health is essential for building confidence as we age.
  • Surround yourself with positive influences and people who uplift you on your journey.

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 Have questions, comments or feedback? Email hello@agingwithgraceandstyle.com

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Stay tuned for more inspiring chats, tips, and stories about the midlife journey.

See you soon!

Speaker A

You know, it hit me the other day, I was scrolling through some old photos and I saw this version of myself from my 30s, and I thought, wow, look at that hair.

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Look at that energy.

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But then I realized something.

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I wouldn't trade the wisdom, the freedom and the self assurance I have now for that younger me.

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Aging isn't something to fear.

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It's something to embrace.

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And today, we're going to show you how.

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Living our best life.

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It's good to be alive, but it's best to truly let your spirit fly.

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Celebrate the journey every single day.

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Aging with grace and sty in our own special way.

Speaker A

Hey, girl.

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Welcome to the Aging with Grace and Style podcast, the show where we celebrate the beauty of midlife and beyond.

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I'm Valerie, and if you're new here, let me tell you, this is a space where we keep it real.

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We stay inspired, and we embrace every season of life with grace, style, confidence, and a touch of sass.

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So grab a cup of coffee or cup of tea or whatever your favorite drink is.

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Get cozy and let's dive in.

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Today we're talking about embracing aging with confidence.

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We'll tackle the societal myths that make us fear getting older.

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We'll celebrate the gifts of this stage of life.

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And I'll share some practical steps to help you own your age with pride.

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So let's start with the elephant in the room.

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Society doesn't exactly roll out the red carpet for women as we age.

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Now there is progress.

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If you recently watched the Golden Globe awards, women over 50, they were rocking it.

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The anti aging industry is a billion dollar machine telling us that we need to fix something.

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But here's the truth.

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We don't need fixing.

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Aging isn't a flaw, it's a privilege.

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But where does this pressure come from?

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Why do we feel the need to resist aging rather than embracing it?

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It's because of the myths that society has ingrained in us.

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And today we're going to unravel a few of those myths and see them for what they really are.

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So myth number one, aging means losing relevance.

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Let me tell you the wisdom and life experience we bring to the table.

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Well, that's priceless.

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Think about how your perspective has shaped decisions and how you've influenced others through conversations, through mentoring, or just through the examples that they see in you as you go about your daily life.

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That's power.

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Myth number two, beauty fades with age.

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Beauty doesn't fade.

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It evolves.

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It's in the way that you carry yourself.

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Your ability to light up a room with your presence and the way you nurture relationships, that's beauty beyond the surface.

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And myth number three, life slows down after 50.

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Not hardly.

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Sure, priority shift, but slowing down.

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It can also mean savoring moments, choosing intentionality, and focusing on what truly matters.

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I'm learning that you don't always have to be on the go.

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On the go, on the go and getting stuff done.

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It's a hard lesson, but I'm getting there.

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And I think, again, that wisdom, it comes with age.

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So let's take a moment to think about one myth about aging that you've caught yourself believing.

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How has it held you back?

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And more importantly, how can you let it go now?

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What if I told you that every wrinkle, every gray hair, and every year is a badge of honor, like a testament to the life that you've lived?

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Those marks a time.

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They represent the clarity that you've gained, the freedom that you've embraced, and the resilience that you've built over the years.

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So let's unpack these incredible gifts one by one.

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Let's start with the one that's probably been transformational for many of us.

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And that's clarity.

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You know that feeling when the noise finally quiets and you just know what's worth your time and your energy?

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That's clarity.

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And it's something that we earn with experience.

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By this stage, we should know what matters and what doesn't.

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We're no longer chasing trends or are trying to fit into some boxes that were really never made for us to begin with.

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Then there's freedom.

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A freedom in aging that comes from no longer worrying about others opinions, Whether it's speaking your mind or pursuing passions.

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There's empowerment in unapologetically being yourself.

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And then resilience.

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Think about the challenges that you've overcome.

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Every single one of them has made you stronger, wiser, and more capable.

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That resilience is a gift, girl.

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It only comes with time.

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For me, one of the greatest gifts has been the freedom to redefine what success looks like.

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It's no longer checking boxes.

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It's about being fulfilled.

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And that's something that only time and experience can teach.

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So what gifts has aging brought into your life?

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Maybe it's, I don't know, a different appreciation for relationships.

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Or maybe it's the confidence to start something new.

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Take a moment to reflect on your journey.

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Now that we've explored the gifts of aging, the question then becomes, how do we embrace them fully?

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So let's dive into some practical steps that you can Take to live this chapter of life with confidence and, of course, joy.

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Number one, reframe your mindset.

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Instead of focusing on what's changing, how about we focus on what you're gaining?

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That's a game changer.

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Number two, take care of your body.

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Confidence starts with feeling good physically, whether it's movement through exercise.

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So that could be walking, strength training, whatever.

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Just get yourself moving.

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Hydration, you know, we need to make sure we're getting plenty of water or rest.

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Small changes can make a big difference.

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And number three, celebrate your achievements.

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Make a list of everything that you've accomplished, both big and small.

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I think we get so caught up in what's next that we sometimes forget to celebrate what we've already done.

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I am truly guilty of that.

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I'm planning what I'm going to do next, what I'm going to do differently, what I need to learn, all of that.

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And I know that often I forget what I've already done.

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So every now and then I kind of sit down and pat myself on the back and say, hey, you know what?

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You did that and you did it well.

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You've earned every one of those milestones.

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We all have.

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Number four, surround yourself with positivity.

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Your circle matters.

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I have said this before if you've listened to other podcasts, but your circle really does matter.

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Spend time with people who uplift you, who inspire you, who make you laugh, and that one's important to me.

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Nobody wants to go around frowned up all day, just serious all the time.

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We need people in our life that we can giggle with.

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Number five, practice self acceptance.

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Look in the mirror and remind yourself you are enough just as you are.

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Which of these steps resonates with you the most?

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I'd love to hear how you are embracing this chapter of life Today.

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We've talked about breaking free from the midst of aging.

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We've talked about celebrating the gifts that it brings and taking steps to embrace this stage with confidence.

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Aging isn't about fading.

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It's about shining in brand new ways.

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I'll leave you with this.

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Every line, every gray hair, every year is a chapter in your story.

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And your story is beautiful.

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It's powerful, and it's definitely worth celebrating.

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If you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend who needs a little reminder that aging is a gift.

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And don't forget to connect with me on social at I am Valerie Hatcher on all platforms.

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I'd love to hear how you're embracing the season of life.

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Remember, every chapter of your life is worth celebrating.

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Until next time.

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Keep shining, keep thriving, and keep aging with grace, style, and a touch of sass.

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Thanks for hanging out with me today.

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If you love this episode, do me a favor.

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Share it with a friend and leave a quick review.

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It's a small thing that makes a big difference.

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Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode.

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And hey, let's keep the conversation going.

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Join me at pod.agingwithgraceinstyle.com for more tips, stories, and a whole lot of connection.

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Until next time, keep shining with grace, style, and a touch of sass.